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Clinics, hospital groups and healthcare practices of all sizes are looking for new ways to improve care, enhance productivity and cut costs. From a technical perspective, virtual desktop infrastructures (VDIs) provide a fast track to achieving all these goals, especially when utilizing software-defined storage (SDS) technology that allows you to build simplified, agile, cost-effective and highly available applications for fluctuating VDI workloads. VDI enables healthcare providers to have more freedom to navigate healthcare applications regardless of their location for increased productivity and work flow.

VDI deployments, if configured in traditional siloed datacenters, can present performance issues and unpredictable user experiences, as well as high operational and capital costs. In today’s mobile and bring-your-own-device (BYOD) workforce, IT departments face additional challenges in meeting high-demand storage and compute complexities.

Simply put, when architected and implemented properly, VDIs can yield security, manageability and productivity benefits. Unlike traditional desktop deployments, the OS is virtualized and hosted remotely within the data center. This separates the physical computing device from the software­ and ensures that nothing is stored locally. The benefit? Quick, secure and instant access to critical applications and services.

Using Mobility and BYOD to Improve Patient Care

VDIs changes the mobile access landscape for healthcare providers.. It lets providers securely and quickly access to patient information – medical records, provider notes, test results, etc. – in real-time via tablets, smartphones, laptops and/or remote desktops. That means doctors can go from patient to patient without stopping to see if x-rays are ready or if the cardiology consult was completed. Every patient interaction is tracked and instantly accessible to every member of the care team – even those outside of the office. Hospitals and clinics can even integrate sensor and telemedicine data to complete the picture of a patient’s health.

Clearly, this is far more productive for the staff and minimizes patient wait time. Better, it ensures that all clinicians have the information they need to make smarter decisions at every turn, which then improves care and ultimately patient outcomes.

Boosting Data Security

Healthcare organizations are increasingly being targeted by cyber criminals looking to steal private patient information and deploy ransoming attacks. When no information is stored locally, VDIs eliminate one set of endpoint vulnerabilities altogether. At the same time, virtualization allows IT to set global security policies and ensure that updates are immediately deployed across all user devices for secure access to patient-regulated information.

Reducing Administrative Costs

VDI in your healthcare organization can deliver significant cost savings. Thin clients and tablets are typically less expensive than fully configured desktop computers. More importantly, VDIs eliminate much of the work spent maintaining user-based systems. Updates are done centrally and delivered automatically. New users are added centrally, so there’s no need to custom configure a device every time you add a new user or upgrade their technology. Additionally, your IT staff has more time to concentrate on value-added tasks.

Taking the First Step

If you are considering a VDI implementation or if you’re looking at ways to update a traditional IT infrastructure, it’s important to start with a highly scalable platform. American Digital partners with Hewlett Packard Enterprise to deliver Storage and Converged Data Center solutions to deliver simplicity in VDI management, security, reliability and performance. By building an architecture with these solutions at the start, you will be able to optimize workload performance and manage escalating storage requirements as your needs grow.

American Digital can help you implement a VDI strategy that strengthens your data security and supports better outcomes. Contact us to learn more.

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